The following players have been warned (last 2 months list). Hint: to find a name use CTRL + F
22.3 manon jun - AFK / Camp in South Italy(Twilight Zone) - Zoey Bosatsu
15.03 Carla Zipper - camping in SI - Tana
13.03 lilou1000 Palmira - camping in Myth Zone - Lunemorte
13.03 babih loon- camping for XP in Cloudy Zone. - Marina
07.03 pfifo Foxtrot - caught hiding flying midair beneath the raceway, estate ban - Tana
24.02 eminem gothly -Griefing was asked OOC to remove helicopter from Sim. He started dropping robots and shooting after being asked to stop. Warned his freebie weapon was illegal and given copy of SI rules. Banned
24.02 nyck kattun- 1. admitted to standing around in IM with meter on Official Warning
2. Second offence: Attack for ooc reason
22.02 Emil Praga - Idling in Maze - Tana
18.02 labbepierre Adder - Griefing in Myth Zone - State ban and CCS global ban - Tabriss Masala
17.02 jubei Reiko Camp in South Italy - Yung
16.02 cyrille Michalak Camp in South Italy hidden outside the raceway - Tana
15.02 ZAPAN Demonge AFK/Camp South Italy (Twilight Zone) - Markus
10.02 eminem Gothly - AFK in Myth Zone - Tabriss
08.02 Gex Blackburn AFK / Camp Maze CCS Zone - Markus
06.02 markpm Parnall -Camping in The Maze- Marina
05.02 Quetiemble Galicia - camping in Myth Zone Mall - Tabriss Masala
31.01 Mareva Luga - Camping in Myth Zone- Tabriss Masala
28.01 Eurismarcio Spyker - Camping in Maze Isle (Ocean Zone) - Nab
20.01 kanleo Boa - Camping in The Maze (Cloudy Zone) - Nab
20.01 Akasha Moody - Camp in South Italy mall - Marina Kips
17.01 Slworld Boa - Estate ban on Suz request - Tana
11.01 Kiroo311 Magic - Camping in SI - Tana
10.01 Petia Dieffenbach - OOC Drama in CCS Support channel and wants to call a global GM on her own - Tana
10.01 Enoff23 Ella - Calls names and is very aggressive when he has suspicions over someone - Nab & Tana
27.12 Archangel Janick - Griefing in SI - Estate ban - Tana
24.12 Thunder Wachter - Camping during Holiday Double XP in Ocean Zone. Docked him 1500XP - Marina Kips
23.12 choupette Irvine - Official Warning for Group Chat OCC insult of a GM, even joking is serious matter and will not be tolerated. Obs. we decided only to warn her, because she quickly came to SI to apologize her behaviour personally for Nabuco, Markus, tabriss and Yung. - Markus, Nab, tabriss and Yung
22.12 tandor Parkin - Griefing in SZ - Estate ban - Tana
19.12 Riku Yakubu - Killing without an IC reason / Flying / TPed out / asked for be banned (/me blinks) - Perma Ban - Nab
15.12 Dolorez Burner - Camping - Mogul
14.12 Tinika Jakob - Camping - Tabriss SECOND OFFENCE
08.12 Yael Andel - Camping + hiding meter - Tana and Lune SECOND OFFENCE
04.12 Picara Caproni - Camping - Nab
03.12 dams Bravin - Camping + Hiding meter (2 offences) - Nab & Yung SECOND OFFENCE
02.12 Magni Fhang - Camping - Tirellia
29.11 malvolty DeSantis - Interfering , refusing with or disrupting a Group Role Play without GM authority or proper Fade To Black / Advisement - Markus