Combat Rules - 11.01.2009


1. You wear a CCS, you are a target
South Italy chain being a Dark RP chain, violence is a a part of its life. While you are wearing a active CCS, you are a target and may be engaged in combat at any time.
There are no safe zone in South Italy at the exception of the malls which are OOC thus the wearing of an active CCS is restricted to 10 minutes. All other places are In Character, even houses and arena

2. In Character reason to attack
Though it is not required to RP before a fight to allow snipers attack and sneak attack, you MUST have an in character reason to perform an attack.

3. No combat without an active CCS
Read the rules on South Italy RP COMBAT here: Weapons Rules and review the list of approved and banned weapons by following the link above. You MUST HAVE a Community Combat System (CCS), which is available in the east end of the arrival/shopping area for free, to engage in combat in SI. You do not need it if you just wish to role play. However, it is encouraged to wear one all the time since combat can break out at any point as a result of role play. Do not try to use the lack of a CCS as an excuse to avoid the consequences of your actions. You reap what you sow.

You are considered to be in combat once you make a melee attack or shoot someone or are yourself shot or melee attacked. The use of offensive CCS skills also starts a combat. Once you are in combat all the following rules apply.

Your CCS meter must be visible and readable at all times.

4. Animations
For melee attacks, you have to use realistic animations like slashing or brawling giving your opponent a visible indication you are actualy fighting.

Do not use any device that turns you invisible during combat.

5.No movement enhancers in combat
No flash steps, jump assists, SI blade special moves, flight assists, wall climbers, teleports, warping animations, etc. are to be used during combat. Absolutely no teleportation in or out is allowed in combat. Walk if you have to join friends!

Weapons Rules

6. No turning the CCS off/detaching CCS in combat
Once you are in combat it is illegal to turn off or detach your CCS. You should also not detach your CCS after combat in an attempt to regain your health or avoid defeat. Once all RP associated with the combat is over then you can remove your CCS if you wish.

7. Two Weapons Rule
Two weapons are allowed, that is to say one per "hand", whether the attachment point is in hand or wrist or any other part of the body or HUD. Two handed weapons are considered as two weapons, gun or melee (Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles,Two Handed Sword/Axe/Polearm) or One of each Melee and Firearm one hand weapons(Handgun+Short Sword,Two handgun,Two Short Swords).

Only ONE enhanced melee is allowed to use in South Italy Chain.


1. Is allowed to use one enhanced melee weapon + one enhanced gun;
2. Is allowed to use a CCS aproved shield + one enhanced melee weapon
3. Is allowed to use a CCS aproved shield + one enhanced gun.

Weapons Rules

8. Calling for Help
The following applies to those who are participating in a fight or merely observing one taking place.

When calling for help during or after a fight the act of calling for help must be 1) obvious and 2) preventable in some fashion. The offical (and best way) is some sort of factional comm system. Said system must have the following characteristics: 1) it be visible, 2) there has to be a way that others know it is being used so they can try to stop you from using it, 3) it must be "removeable" so the victor can take it off you and 4) must be limited to a single sim.

Otherwise the only way of communicating with a fellow faction member is to talk to them face to face.

The use of "telepathy", other supernatural abilities, bizzare powers, carrier pigeon and other means to justify the use of personal IMs or Group IMs to summon help or to let others know of a fight is forbidden unless a GM approves it. Such approval will only be granted in the narrowest circumstances.

Any sort of combat is supposed to have a definite end with the consequences RP'd afterwards. Fights are not supposed to go on endlessly as each side summons more and more reinforcements from fractions and friends who are outside the sim doing other things or who just happen to get online. The victorious party should not be subjected to endless rescue missions as captured players use all sorts of means to continually let friends, family and factions know of their predicament. Role playing defeat is not something to avoid but a means for your character to grow. Look upon defeat as a positive thing and use communication sensibly.

9. Healing
Only CCS based skills, CCS approved enhanced items or healing balls in a hospital can be used to heal. Healing using equipment is not allowed in battle, but only after the end of battle has been RP'd. In battle, only skills can be used to heal.

10. Crash
Sl being SL, it happens people are crashing in fights. Once you have crashed and are back, turn your meter off for 10 minutes so you do not regain stamina. State in open chat you have crashed "((Crash, 10 minutes out of fight))". Then move aside waiting for the 10 minutes to wear off. Do not use those 10 minutes to heal up or take advantage of the fight in any way.

11. Corpse Camping
This is where you stand around a body and wait for the person to revive and then kill them again. It does not matter if the revive is due to a timer or if revived by another. When a person revives continue RPing the scene. If they attack then you are free to kill them again.

EXCEPTION: in group combat scenarios a player can rejoin combat if they are resurrected by a healer and healed back to combat level statistics (100 Health). If this player get defeated again, it was not considered Corpse Camping.

12. Revives
During one on one combat, you should role play being hurt after you have been defeated. Even if your character has a racial revive ability you should RP some sort of injury. You should not immediately revive and attack someone. The racial revives allow you to recover early and maybe escape. If a healer revives you after single combat, you should still RP being injured.

EXCEPTION: in group combat scenarios a player can rejoin combat if they are resurrected by a healer and healed back to combat level statistics (100 Health).

13. RP defeat
When you have been defeated in combat you should Role Play it properly. You are not dead but you may be unconscious. Your body is not capable of astounding feats in this state. You can act defiant but are basically at the mercy of the victorious party. If you do not wish to RP out a scene then you can Fade to Black (see below).

Even if someone else revives you (or you use a self revive), and/or heals you, you should RP being injured. You are just back from near death after all. That means not bouncing back up and attacking or shooting like a maniac.

14. Fade to Black
You may call fade to black upon defeat in combat if you need to leave (Log off) or if the RP following the defeat makes you uncomfortable. If you Fade to Black you MAY NOT engage in combat again with the party for 24 hours. Try to set your limits with the victor in advance to avoid this or agree events happen even if you dont RP it if possible to keep RP flowing.

Abusing the Fade to Black rule will result in disciplinary action. The Fade to Black rule is not a way to avoid the consequences of a defeat. It is not a get out of jail free card. If at all possible you and the victor should agree on what happens to your character even if you do not RP it out.

15. Post combat OOC comments
Whether from the victorious party gloating or the loser complaining will not be tolerated. If there is a REAL issue consult a GM immediately otherwise keep it IC RP only. OOC insults and rude comments will result in disciplinary action. This includes negative comments or insults made in IMs as well as in the open. Be an adult about things, it is only a GAME.

16. No Moving Corpses
Once you are defeated then you are helpless. You must wait until you revive normally (five minutes) or are revived by another character. You are not permitted to move unless you are being dragged or moved by another as part of an RP, unless you RP crawling as a fully-disabled character.

Death/Permanent injury:
You can only inflict death or permanent injury with the consent of the other party. Trying to do this without consent is Godmodding.

17. Disputes
If you disagree with the outcome of a fight or suspect your opponent of cheating, remain calm. Remember that mistakes happen and lag can cause really weird things to go on during a fight. Not everyone treats CCS combat as a game to be won. Mistakes happen. DO NOT take the issue OOC!! Do not make public accusations of cheating unless you have proof! Contact a GM and discuss your suspicions and offer any proof that you have. It is the GM's job to determine if a rule has been broken, not yours. Accept a GM's ruling and do not complain about it.
Decisions of individual GMs are binding, trying to ask another GM to get a different decision is frowned upon. Decisions may be appealed against, but if that is not immediately possible, you are bound to continue RP with the disputed decision in force.
The ONLY persons you can appeal to are Nabuco Zapedzki, Tanaquil Beaumont and MarkusChristopher Llewelyn. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE A SUPPORT CHANNEL, OR APPEAL TO PEOPLE OUTSIDE OF the SOUTH ITALY CHAIN. They have better things to do than argue a situation they have not witnessed!

(based and adapted by CoLA Rules)

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